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Veshali Patel

The critical aspect of boosting your confidence when growing your business

Surprisingly many business owners suffer with imposter syndrome, the inability to believe that your success is deserved. Having a lack of self belief can really hold you back. So how do you change your mindset to stand out as a confident entrepreneur who’s an expert in your field?

Take time to reflect

Look back on how far you’ve come. Not many of us think about the past, we just focus on the future. But, by remembering where you started and seeing how far you’ve come is bound to give your confidence a boost. Where you were 10 years ago is a completely different place to where you are now. You’ve done that! You’ve built your business and grown as a person with it. Every mistake you made, every milestone you hit has been the making of you and your business. So take some time to reflect and really absorb your achievements.

Surround yourself with positivity

When you’re around people who are negative it attracts negative energy. The majority of business owners who suffer with imposter syndrome report that those closest to them were negative in some way or another about their business and ambitions, especially in the beginning. When your nearest and dearest don’t have faith in you and aren’t cheerleading you on, it can have a detrimental effect on your mindset. If those around you don’t believe in you, how can you believe in yourself?

The answer is, to surround yourself with positive vibes and people who turn their backs on negativity. If you can’t find this at home then network with other like minded people. Whether this be virtually in Facebook groups and networking Zoom calls, or in person events. Having a support community can make a huge difference to your confidence. I can say this from experience.

A few years ago I joined The 6 Figure Bookkeepers’ Club. Over the past few years I've made some lifelong connections who have given me nothing but support and love for what I do. Sharing our experiences and inspiring one another is what’s led me to grow my business to where it is now and has boosted my confidence significantly. I highly recommend you find the right group where there is collaboration over competition.

Self Development

You’re an expert in your field, there’s no doubt. However, it’s important to keep up with changing legislation, trends and software. Not only that but investing in self development such as business coaches, financial experts, marketing advisors to name but a few ideas can help you to achieve far much more than you could imagine. You don’t have to break the bank either to invest in self development. Reading self help books and listening to podcasts in your free time will help you to see things from a different perspective.

Map out and review your goals

In order to take your business to the next level you need to get your goals down in writing and they need to be specific. Not only have you got to say what you want to achieve but you need to break down how you’re going to achieve them and how it’s going to feel when you do. This will make it feel more real and you will know what steps you have to take in order to get there. At Pinnacle Advisory Services we help clients just like you to achieve your financial goals. Investing in someone to support you to do this means you can have a future insight into your finances so you know if your goal is realistic and achievable.

Once your goals are set it’s important to review them at least every quarter to ensure you’re on track. If you’re not we can review your goals together, it may mean you have to take a slightly different path but you will get there eventually. If you don’t review, you will never know what changes you have to make in order to succeed and will continue on the wrong path.

Remember to remain positive, surround yourself with positive vibes which attract positive energy. Learn from your mistakes, invest in self development and keep your goals insight. Your business will be a success and so will you.

If you need help with your goals we’d love to hear from you.

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